Formation of metacognitive strategies of educational-cognitive activities among multilingual students in the “German as the second foreign language” course at a language university
Baklovskaya Olga Konstantinovna
Udmurt State University
Submitted: 28.05.2023
Abstract. The paper discusses the idea of teaching multilingual students the second foreign language at a language university based on the activation of their cognitive activities in the process of joint study of language and culture. The aim of the research is to determine the role and essence of metacognitive strategies of educational-cognitive activities (comparison, transfer and switching) in the process of second foreign language learning by multilingual students. The scientific novelty of the research lies in defining metacognitive strategies of educational-cognitive activities as a tool for activating students’ cognitive resources, as methods and techniques for performing language and speech tasks in second foreign language learning by multilingual students at a language university, which contribute to a deeper perception, understanding, memorization and reproduction of new linguistic and cultural information. As a result, the paper showed how the formation of metacognitive strategies – comparison, transfer and switching – can be carried out through the introduction of specially selected didactic content (multilingual texts) and contrastive tasks and exercises for these texts into the process of second foreign language learning (using the example of the grammatical topic “Future Tense” studied by multilingual students in the “German as the second foreign language” course).
Key words and phrases: мультилингвальное обучение, метакогнитивные стратегии учебно-познавательной деятельности, многоязычные тексты, контрастивные упражнения, multilingual teaching, metacognitive strategies of educational-cognitive activities, multilingual texts, contrastive exercises
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