Specificity of using linguistic means to form the image of aircraft enterprises
Chernyshova Larisa Anatol'evna, Chernikova Elena Olegovna
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Submitted: 24.02.2023
Abstract. The research aims to identify and compare the language means that are used to form a positive image of the aircraft enterprises “Aeroflot” and “British Airways”. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the choice of the object and subject of analysis: the paper is the first to identify and compare the common and specific characteristics of the two nations from the perspective of image construction of the two transport companies in Russian and English. The results of the study of linguistic means indicate that the airlines are interested in marketing their company as highly successful and very reliable. The study of English and Russian websites made it possible, on the one hand, to identify certain coincidences in the use of linguistic means and axiological categories when forming the image of an international transport company as a progressive, successful and influential airline, on the other hand, it allowed the researchers to determine the peculiarities of English-speaking specialists’ thinking, which manifested themselves in tropes formed according to the principle of “string compounds” (“brand-new route for British Airways”). It was established that in English, when it comes to creating the image of the British aircraft enterprise, the preference is given to comparative adjectives, which are rarely found in the Russian discourse.
Key words and phrases: имидж, лингвистические средства, стилистические приемы, эпитет, метафора, лингвоимиджелогия, аксиологические категории, image, linguistic means, stylistic devices, epithet, metaphor, linguistic imagology, axiological categories
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