Expressive language means in the speech of the Japanese and Russian heads of state (based on addresses to the nation during the COVID-19 pandemic)
Rufova Elena Stepanovna, Migalkina Marina Albertovna
North-Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 12.04.2023
Abstract. The paper considers the problem of the political discourse of Japan and Russia. The significance of the coverage of this issue is due to new social threats, which include the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the study is to identify similarities and differences in expressive language means in the speeches of the Japanese and Russian heads of state during the COVID-19 pandemic (Shinzo Abe (2020), Yoshihide Suga (2021), Fumio Kishida (2022), V. V. Putin (2020-2022)). The study is novel in that it is the first to identify the stylistic markedness of the speech of Japanese and Russian top officials using the material of the official addresses made during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the study, it can be argued that in the official addresses of the Japanese and Russian heads of state, metaphors, epithets, set expressions, rhetorical questions are more often used, which makes the speech expressive, emphasizes its imagery, emotionality and evaluativeness. The speeches of the Prime Ministers of Japan are characterized by a more neutral connotation compared to the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, whose speech is dominated by the use of expressive means.
Key words and phrases: текст, дискурс, понятие «обращение», стилевая маркированность речи, экспрессивность, text, text, discourse, notion of “address”, stylistic markedness of speech, expressiveness
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