The parametric worldview in American and Russian cultures in translation of the names for linear measures: The cognitive and pragmatic aspects
Kulgavova Larisa Vladimirovna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 02.04.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to bring out the differences in the representation of some fragments of the parametric worldview in American English and in Russian through the translation of the names for linear measures considering the cognitive and pragmatic factors. The fragments under study include spatial and quantitative characteristics of objects in literary discourse. The scientific novelty of the research consists, firstly, in identifying the influence of the cognitive factor of the observer and their gender on translation of the names for linear measures; secondly, in distinguishing the observer-character of the literary work and the observer-translator from the point of view of the impact of the gender factor on translation. In accordance with this, it is argued that the impact of the cognitive factor of the observer on translation of the names for linear measures can be twofold, that is objective and subjective. As a result of the scientific research, some differences in the perception of parametric characteristics of objects and the representation of knowledge about them in literary discourse were demonstrated; the differences are expressed in precision in English and approximation in Russian. This cognitive discrepancy is reflected in translation of the names for foreign cultural units of measurement: the translators resort to a cognitive-pragmatic ad-aptation, employing the generalization and substitution techniques.
Key words and phrases: когнитивно-прагматическая адаптация, линейные меры, наблюдатель, гендер, аппроксимальность, cognitive-pragmatic adaptation, linear measures, observer, gender, approximation
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