The problem of interpretation of occasional proper names in T. S. Eliot’s cycle of poems “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats” and T. Pratchett’s novel “The Unadulterated Cat” and the peculiarities of their rendering in Russian translations
Vorobets Tatyana Alekseevna, Gerdt Elena Valerievna, Lobkova Elena Vladimirovna
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University
Submitted: 23.03.2023
Abstract. The paper addresses the ways of naming presented in T. S. Eliot’s poetic cycle and in T. Pratchett’s novella, which are humorous encyclopaedias about the life of cats. The aim of the paper is to determine the peculiarities in the approach to the creation of proper names in these works, as well as to identify the principles of their rendering in Russian translations. The scientific novelty of the study lies in developing a contrastive classification of proper names according to the ways of their creation and in comparing their translation variants. The work discusses in detail the ways of word formation used by T. S. Eliot and T. Pratchett and offers possible interpretations of cat names. In addition, the researchers note the difficulties that translators face and the translation techniques they resort to. As a result, the differences in the naming systems created by the authors and their functions are identified, which lead to differences in the ways of formation of occasional felinonyms. Thus, Eliot’s most frequent word-formation models turned out to be compounding and blending, which creates difficulties in interpreting and translating names into Russian, while Pratchett’s occasional names are either predicative constructions or short letter-sound complexes expressing the emotion of the owner, which allows using such translation practices as semantic development and variant correspondence.
Key words and phrases: окказионализм, имя собственное, внутренняя форма слова, Т. Пратчетт, Т. Элиот, occasionalism, proper name, internal form of the word, T. Pratchett, T. S. Eliot
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