Structural and semantic characteristics of compound words in legal discourse (based on the material of the English language)
Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna
Samara State University of Economics
Submitted: 01.05.2023
Abstract. The study aims to identify the structural and semantic characteristics of compound words in English legal discourse. The paper sheds light on the notion of a “compound word”, examines the most common types of compound words in the legal language and examines the features of their structure and semantics. The work is novel in that it is the first to carry out a comprehensive analysis of compound words belonging to different parts of speech in English legal discourse, which made it possible to identify and describe in detail the productive models for the formation of compound words on the basis of extensive linguistic material and to determine their structural and semantic distinctness. As a result of the study, the predominance of compound asyntactic nouns represented by words with an attributive connection between components and additive words formed by coordination and subordination with the structure ‘N + N’ has been established, which makes it possible to describe to a fuller extent the structure of the nomination object and achieve speech economy. Compound adjectives are mainly represented by asyntactic models with subordination and show a somewhat lower degree of prevalence, while compound verbs are used in legal discourse to a limited extent due to their difficult-to-perceive structure, while compound adverbs are universal and do not possess the specifics inherent in the legal language.
Key words and phrases: словообразовательные модели, структурно-семантические особенности, компрессия информации, юридический дискурс, языковые единицы, word-formation models, structural and semantic features, information compression, legal discourse, language units
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