Non-finite verb taxic forms as a means of simultaneity expression in the Russian language
Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Makhmutova Alsu Nigmatyanovna
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Kazan Federal University
Submitted: 02.05.2023
Abstract. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of the transgressive and the infinitive as verb forms used to express the meaning of simultaneity. The aim of the study is to identify the contextual conditions for the realization of this meaning. The study is novel in that it is the first to highlight the specific conditions that determine the realization of simultaneity as opposed to non-simultaneity. As a result, it has been proved that in the Russian language, the forms of the transgressive, as well as the infinitive are able to express simultaneity. The functional-semantic field of the category of simultaneity is represented by the core, which is formed by the non-finite verb forms of the transgressive, participle, infinitive, and the periphery, which is occupied by non-verbal means of expression. The infinitive can express the meaning of simultaneity only as a part of copular constructions that include verbs of position and motion. Simultaneity representation is the main function for imperfective transgressives, while perfective transgressives require appropriate contexts, i.e. descriptive and statistical. Pseudo-simultaneity is expressed by perfective transgressives in the predicates of interpretive semantics and in postposition to the main verb.
Key words and phrases: одновременность, таксисная глагольная форма, полипредикативный комплекс, зависимая предикативность, simultaneity, taxic verb form, polypredicative complex, dependent predicativity
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