The magic of the word of Oskar Loerke: In search of the authenticity of an artistic statement
Melnikova Irina Markovna
Samara State Technical University
Submitted: 09.04.2023
Abstract. The research is devoted to the problem of artistic language, in particular, the German-language lyric poetry of the XX century. The object of the study is just one segment of the cultural space, i.e. “magical” nature poetry, which most vividly reflects the process of changing cultural paradigms and artistic orientations. The aim of the study is to identify the features and the moral-aesthetic orientation of the creative work of Oskar Loerke, the founder of magical nature poetry. The research is novel in that it is the first to analyse the artistic language of Loerke’s lyric poetry in the aspect of the author’s artistic activity theory. It is the first time that Loerke’s magical nature poetry is being considered as one of the ways to solve the poet’s creative task, i.e. the search for a new authentic artistic language in the epoch of cultural crisis. The relevance of the poet’s use of the magic word is substantiated, the basic principle of artistic space organisation based on dialogue is revealed. The researcher considers the poet’s belief in the extraordinary power of the word to be the main feature of Loerke’s lyric poetry, which brings his notion of the word closer to magic. However, the poet recognises the independence of the object to which the word is directed, its ability to exist, thus creating a dialogue situation. Dialogue becomes a key principle in the organisation of Loerke’s poetic world. As a result, it has been proved that by turning to the magic of the word, the poet solves the problem of the authenticity of a statement at the level of the organisation of the artistic image, creating the situation of experiencing a creative act – the making of a work.
Key words and phrases: Оскар Лёрке, художественный язык, магическая пейзажная лирика, аутентичность художественного высказывания, принцип организации, Oskar Loerke, artistic language, magical landscape poetry, authenticity of an artistic statement, organisation principle
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