Danilina Natalia Ivanovna, Danilin Vitaliy Alexandrovich
Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky
National Research ITMO University
Submitted: 26.03.2023
Abstract. The study of alphabetic symbols is relevant for linguistics, since these signs function in languages for specific purposes together with linguistic signs and have certain common properties. The study aims to clarify the semiotic and linguistic essence of the alphabetic symbols of the language of physics and their relationship with other units of the language for specific purposes. Scientific novelty lies in providing the rationale for introducing a new research object, i.e. alphabetic symbols determined by linguistic signs, into linguistics, which makes it possible to clarify some provisions of terminology studies. In the course of the study, the following results were obtained. The presence of an onomasiological feature in the alphabetic symbols of the language of physics is confirmed by etymological research and experimentally. At the stage of their emergence, these signs serve as abbreviations for terms, elements of a definition and scientists’ names. In synchrony, the presence of motivation in physics symbols is of objective, albeit individual, nature: the experiment revealed the coincidence of the individually perceived motivation of symbols with their real etymology. Awareness of the inner form of a symbol through interlingual motivation is characteristic mainly of specialists in physics. The ability to be motivated by terms-words makes it possible to interpret literal physics symbols with a constant set of meanings as terms, if one does not consider the lexemic nature of a term as its mandatory property.
Key words and phrases: языковой знак, термин, язык для специальных целей, языковое сознание специалиста, психолингвистический эксперимент, linguistic sign, term, language for specific purposes, linguistic consciousness of a specialist, psycholinguistic experiment
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