Linguistic features of the German terminological system of marketing
Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
Samara State Economic University
Samara State Technical University
Submitted: 19.03.2023
Abstract. The paper addresses the issues related to the study of the morphological and lexico-semantic structure of German-language terms in economic discourse, which contributes to a more complete understanding of the processes of term formation and the laws of their functioning in a specialised language. The research aims to give a comprehensive description of the German terminology that enables professional communication in the field of marketing. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the analysed vocabulary as a marker of a highly specialised discourse is studied in conjunction with purposeful pragmatic and socio-psychological actions, which allows it to be interpreted most fully taking into account certain cognitive processes, i.e. from the perspective of how such language definitions are perceived by the audience for which they are intended. Word-formation models of terminological notions are also considered. As a result of the research, it has been found that lexical units in professional discourse, being the means for naming complex notions, differ, on the one hand, in the maximum capacity of the content and, on the other hand, in the maximum recognisability and free reproducibility. This function is implemented primarily by multicomponent composite words, which, possessing nominative integrity and compressive potential, eliminate the syntactic cumbersomeness of sentences, conveying in a concise form the content of a professional text.
Key words and phrases: профессиональный язык, маркетинг, термин, детерминативный композит, гибридный композит, professional language, marketing, term, determinative composite, hybrid composite
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