Semiosis in a literary text: Authenticity and irreality
Dzyubenko Anna Igorevna
Sothern Federal University
Submitted: 13.03.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the linguistic means of a literary text that condition the correctness of the reader’s receptive and interpretative activities, taking into account extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors, which contributes to the effective decoding of the aesthetic sign in the coordinates of perceiving the irreal as authentic based on the material of Yu. K. Olesha’s fairy tale story “The Three Fat Men”. The scientific novelty of the research lies in studying the pragmasemantic potential of the lexico-grammatical units and modalities that determine the reader’s perception of the irreal as authentic in a literary text. As a result, it has been found that fiction and reality form a complex synthesis in the process of creating a literary text. Semiosis in a literary text is characterised by the realisation of three stages – denotation, connotation and the determination of interpretation by the text itself, while the direction of the semiotic process depends upon authenticity and irreality, which are formed and function in a literary text in unity. The irreal is represented in such a text as authentic, which makes the problem of truth/falsity irrelevant in relation to the textual semantic space. The author’s intention forms the coordinates of semiosis of fiction, but the “filling” of these coordinates with the actual signs of the irreal and the authentic is realised only in the reader’s mind on the basis of the implicatures of modality of a literary text.
Key words and phrases: семиозис, художественный текст, достоверность, ирреальность, художественный вымысел, semiosis, literary text, authenticity, irreality, fiction
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