Image of Marianne Coulagot in the context of the theme of Russia in V. P. Aksyonov’s novel “The Burn”
Ulyanova Anna Vladimirovna
Synergy University
Submitted: 19.12.2022
Abstract. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the novel “The Burn”, the first postmodern novel by V. P. Aksyonov, an iconic writer of the 60s of the XX century. The aim of the research is to identify the features of creating the image of the main character Marianne Coulagot in the context of the theme of Russia. Marianne Coulagot is a key image not only of the plot-compositional organisation of the novel, but also of its ideological conception. The scientific originality of the research is seen in the fact that the author analyses in detail the central image of the writer’s little-studied novel from the perspective of semantic fields, identifying the individual author’s features of exploring the theme of Russia in the context of V. P. Aksyonov’s biography and the life of his contemporaries, the generation of the 60s-70s. As a result, the paper proves that V. P. Aksyonov, on the one hand, continues the traditions of N. V. Gogol, N. A. Nekrasov, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. A. Blok, S. A. Yesenin, creating a common folk female image, partly embodying the Russian national female character; on the other hand, the writer, protesting against the neutralisation of femininity in Soviet society, endows the heroine with naturalness, emotionality, sexuality, creating an image of a sensual woman. A number of ironic parallels between Marianne’s life and Russia’s cultural and historical path in the XX century reveals the tragic fate of the Russian intelligentsia who emigrated.
Key words and phrases: В. П. Аксёнов, художественный образ, Россия, семантическое поле, литературная традиция, V. P. Aksyonov, literary image, Russia, semantic field, literary tradition
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