Speech tactics and techniques for the implementation of the strategy of information reveal in the German-language political interview (on the material of the programme “Markus Lanz”)
Lezhnina Anna Sergeevna
Military Academy of the Signal Corps
Submitted: 16.02.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to highlight some of the speech tactics and techniques used by the interviewer to implement the communicative strategy of information reveal in the German-language political interview. The paper deals with the role of the addressee in the German-language political interview; analyses the strategy of information reveal as the main communicative strategy of the interviewer; presents speech tactics of the addressee using the material of the political talk show “Markus Lanz”; highlights some speech techniques for the implementation of these tactics. The study is novel in that it is the first to consider the strategy of information reveal as the leading speech strategy of the interviewer in the German-language political interview; as well as the first to present the destruction of the interlocutor’s communicative space as one of the effective speech techniques for the implementation of this strategy. As a result, it has been proved that the speech tactics of doubt and refutation, as well as various ways of intrusion into the interlocutor’s communicative space serve to reveal information in an effective manner in the German-language political interview.
Key words and phrases: политическое интервью, стратегия выведывания информации, тактика сомнения, тактика опровержения, деструкция речевого пространства, political interview, strategy of information reveal, tactics of doubt, tactics of refutation, destruction of the speech space
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