Features of neologisms translation in the economic discourse of the English language
Vasbieva Dinara Giniyatullovna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 25.02.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the main difficulties in translating neologisms or new meanings of words, since they are often not available in dictionaries, including specialised ones. The paper examines the generally accepted methods of neologisms translation and analyses specific examples from economic articles of the English-language newspaper ‘The Guardian’. The author attempts to shed light on the possible ways to overcome the difficulties of translating new words or new meanings of existing words that have appeared in connection with the current socio-economic situation, using an interdisciplinary approach that combines linguistic and economic knowledge in a coherent and coordinated way. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in identifying the main characteristics of neologisms as the linguistic representatives of the realities of modern post-pandemic economics in lexicographic and discursive aspects and as a strategic communicative unit that enhances the role of economic discourse. The results of the study reflect the use of translation techniques (calque, transcription and transliteration, descriptive translation and search for words or phrases that have full correspondence in another language) when translating economic neologisms, including strategies for their translation based on economic knowledge and awareness in a specific economic environment, as well as the processes of development of the lexical subsystem of modern English.
Key words and phrases: неологизм, экономические термины, перевод, экономический дискурс, приемы перевода, neologism, economic terms, translation, economic discourse, translation methods
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