Features of the Naming Units of Tactile and Visual Acts, Realized under the Influence of Highly Intense Emotional Condition, in Stage Remarks (on the material of the English language)
Bezrukov Vadim Arkadyevich
State Institute of the Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin
Submitted: 22.01.2023
Abstract. The study aims at describing the naming units which reflect the specific features of tactile and visual acts or contacts actualized under the influence of the highly intense emotional condition. The highly intense emotional condition, induced by a psychogenic factor, may influence the speech production and behaviour of a person in different ways and be reflected in the specific features of the visual and tactile acts. In each and every case a person’s non-verbal behaviour is easily observed, intuitively understood and thus described by authors in stage remarks. Having analysed the naming units of the visual and tactile acts and contacts, the author comes to the conclusion that stage remarks in English are an adequate linguistic means of describing the highly intense emotional condition of a person. The novelty of the article is that the author puts forward the detailed description of naming units of tactile and visual acts and contacts determined by highly intense emotional condition for the first time in scientific literature. As a result, the author contributes to the systematic description of the naming units depicting the specific features of non-verbal behaviour in a state of affect.
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