The Peculiarities of Translating “Foreign Realia” from English into Russian in the Text of the Story “Don’t Look Now” by Daphne du Maurier
Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University
Submitted: 06.02.2023
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal the translation modes of “foreign realia” from English into Russian in the text of the story “Don’t Look Now” by Daphne du Maurier. The author considers the notion of “realia”, the functions of realia in a literary text and their classification. This work describes “foreign realia” as elements which belong neither to the source text nor to the target one. The different equivalents of the definition of “realia” in Russian translation studies are introduced. The novelty of this research lies in identifying a successful mode of realia translation, which is represented by a translated lexical unit with the explanation given as a footnote in the translated text of the story. As a result, all the foreign realia of the story “Don’t Look Now” were classified into ethnographic, geographical, national and external ones, which had been translated from English into Russian with the help of such translation modes as transcription and transliteration, calquing, rearrangement, lexical addition, absence of realia in the Russian version, translation with footnotes for realia explanation. Transcription and transliteration were the most widely used modes of realia translation.
Key words and phrases: реалия, исходный текст, переводной текст, переводной текст, безэквивалентная лексика, сноска для разъяснения реалии, realia, source text, target text, culture-specific vocabulary, footnote for realia explanation.
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