The Symbolic Images of the Epoch of Changes in the Poetry of A. Blok and Xu Zhimo: Typological Parallels
Lu Zing
Kazan Federal University
Submitted: 14.02.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to reveal the world outlook and figurative parallels in the works of the Russian poet A. Blok and the Chinese symbolist author Xu Zhimo. They represented the different cultures but the creative work of both had a number of typological connections and parallels. This phenomenon can be explained by the similarity of the historic and social context for these poets and their orientation towards fin de siècle. The novelty of this research paper is conditioned by the fact that this study presents the peculiarities of the creative modelling of the worldview by the poets and their feelings about revolutionary changes of the epoch of the 1910s-1920s and shows the parallel between Xu Zhimo’s worldview and A. Blok’s perception of the world. As a result, a brief description of the discursive context of the 1910s-1920s epoch is given; some Xu Zhimo’s and A. Blok’s poetic works are compared and analyzed; the special features of the poets’ thinking and their perception of the social and historic reality of the epoch of changes are identified. It is concluded that the poetical systems of the Russian lyric and the Chinese lyric are typologically close on the basis of the similar semantic content of the philosophical categories (dream/freedom), social phenomena (revolution) and images of nature (wind).
Key words and phrases: А. Блок, Сюй Чжимо, русский символизм, китайская поэзия 1910-1920-х гг., диалог культур, A. Blok, Xu Zhimo, Russian symbolism, Chinese poetry of the 1910s-1920s, dialogue of cultures
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