Prefixation as a method of forming military terms (based on the material of the Finnish language)
Boiko Boris Leonidovich, Mironenko Anton Gennad’evich
Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry
Submitted: 15.10.2023
Abstract. This study focuses on prefixation as a method of enriching military terminology in the Finnish language, with specific attention paid to the prefixes involved in the formation of military terms. The aim of the study is to obtain reliable data on the word-formation capabilities of Finnish prefixes in creating military terms. The study is novel in its first-time investigation and description of the prefixal method in forming military terms based on Finnish language data. The findings reveal that there are 20 most productive prefixes in the Finnish military terminological system contributing to the formation of military terms. During the study, it was observed that prefixation, as a method of word formation in the Finnish military terminological system, is less productive in enriching military terminology compared to suffixation or compounding. This fact does not diminish the significance of the conducted study but rather complements previous research on the comprehensive examination of Finnish military terminology.
Key words and phrases: префиксация, приставка, военный термин, военная терминология, финский язык, prefixation, prefix, military term, military terminology, Finnish language
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