Ways of preserving the aesthetic impact when translating the authorial style (linguistic study of a German text)
Orbodoeva Larisa Matveevna
Buryat State University
Submitted: 03.10.2023
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the problems of conveying aesthetic information in literary translation. The aim of this research is to determine the translation strategy for preserving the aesthetic impact when translating the authorial style of German writer Martin Spiess from German to Russian. The article explores the aesthetic function of literary translation and argues for the importance of gathering information about the author in order to describe his/her idiolect and understand the context of the authorial text. The main characteristic of Martin Spiess’s idiolect is the intense internal monologue of the main character, which is realized through comparisons, figurative expressions, modal assessment means, jargon, anglicisms, allusions, and intertextual references. The scientific novelty of the research lies in applying a comprehensive approach to describing the translation strategy in literary translation, taking into account three interconnected factors: structural-linguistic, cultural, and communicative-pragmatic. As a result of the research, it has been established that identifying and analyzing the peculiarities of the authorial style contribute to understanding and interpreting the text, and determine the choice of translation decisions for preserving the aesthetic impact of the target language and culture.
Key words and phrases: художественный перевод, авторский стиль, эстетическое воздействие, способы перевода, немецкий язык, literary translation, authorial style, aesthetic impact, translation methods, German language
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