Linguistic features of the speech portrait of an American showman
Maletina Oxana Andreevna, Yakovlev Alexander Olegovich
Volgograd State University
Lyceum № 9
Submitted: 31.08.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the lexical and grammatical characteristics of the speech of American showmen. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the analyzed speech characteristics of American TV presenters help to understand the mechanism of influencing the audience and the formation of public opinion in American society, namely, the lexical and grammatical features of conversational speech for the purpose of having an impact on the recipients. As a result, the lexical and grammatical features of the speech of American showmen demonstrating a high focus on establishing contact with the audience were revealed. The linguistic specificity of an American showman’s speech portrait reflects the focus of the talk show on keeping the viewer’s attention, therefore, slang and colloquial vocabulary, interjections, simplification of grammatical structures (reduced forms, simple sentences, incomplete phrases, disjunctive questions) are so frequent to help the average American to perceive the main points of the conversation properly.
Key words and phrases: речевой портрет, лингвистические особенности, американский шоумен, ток-шоу, телевизионный дискурс, speech portrait, linguistic features, American showman, talk show, television discourse
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