Dialogue between executive authorities and society in the VKontakte social network
Bazhenova Elena Alexandrovna, Mokan Anastasiia Dmitrievna
Perm State University
Submitted: 01.09.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the communication strategies and tactics that are used by the Russian executive authorities in a digital dialogue with citizens. The scientific novelty of the study is accounted for by the elaboration of the “digital discourse of executive authorities” notion and the description of the communication strategies and tactics implemented in this discourse. Based on a new material, i.e., a sample of posts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory posted on the VKontakte social network, an analysis of typical strategies and tactics aimed at forming a positive image of the executive authorities is carried out. It is shown that the speech strategy of self-presentation is the main one in the media communication of the authorities with citizens. This strategy receives concrete expression in the tactics of analysis-plus, presentation of an event, self-justification. By involving Engagement Rate by Reach, the pragmatic effect of speech influence on the audience is revealed. As a result, it is proved that the effectiveness of the dialogue between the executive authorities and society is due to the influence of the following discourse factors: coinciding presuppositions of the addressee and the addresser, due regard for the needs of the target audience in the content, reflection of significant social life events in the published materials.
Key words and phrases: цифровой дискурс исполнительной власти, социальная сеть «ВКонтакте», медиаконтент, коммуникативные стратегии и тактики, стратегия самопрезентации, digital discourse of executive authorities, VKontakte social network, media content, communication strategies and tactics, self-presentation strategy
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