Everyday vocabulary as a verbaliser of the culture code in the dialect worldview of the Crimean Tatars
Mazinov Akhtem Seit-Ametovich, Ganieva Emine Suleymanovna
Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University
Submitted: 04.04.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the dialect vocabulary of the Crimean Tatar language that reflects the peculiarities of the national worldview. Performing a communicative function, the language conveys the linguistic worldview of a certain people. The names of everyday realia collected and preserved as a result of daily living activities, observations and experience of many generations of ancestors are recorded, stored and transmitted to descendants in dialects, in the collective consciousness of the ethnic group in general and its sub-ethnic components in particular. This is especially evident with respect to everyday dialect vocabulary, which is represented in the dialects of the Crimean Tatar language by several independent groups. The comparison of dialect vocabulary makes it possible to describe the worldview specifics of subethnic groups of Crimean Tatars, to show the originality of the ways of its borrowing and development. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the strata of dialect everyday vocabulary reflecting the linguistic worldview of the Crimean Tatars. It is the first time that the analysis has been carried out through the lens of the distinctness or similarity of the components of this lexico-semantic group in different dialects. As a result of the study, the presence of independent strata of everyday vocabulary in the dialects of the Crimean Tatar language has been revealed. At the same time, the scope of notions conveyed by the nomens denoting everyday realia in different dialects virtually coincides.
Key words and phrases: крымскотатарский язык, диалектная лексика, лексико-семантические группы, бытовая лексика, Crimean Tatar language, dialect vocabulary, lexico-semantic groups, everyday vocabulary
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