Prosodic markers of the state of anger (by the example of the cultural and communicative interaction models of the Russian and Kabardian ethnic groups of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region)
Goncharova Oksana Vladimirovna, Frolova Anastasia Vadimovna
Pyatigorsk State University
Submitted: 01.08.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the nation-specific and gender-specific prosodic markers of the state of anger involving the material of the cultural and communicative interaction models of the Russian and Kabardian ethnic groups of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The scientific novelty lies in applying a multifactorial methodology for analysing the regional type of communication taking into account the emotional-expressive content, gender and social differentiation for further creation of an adaptive quantitative-statistical learning model. It is the first time that Praat 5.3.32 is used as a tool for selecting relevant elements of an adaptive model for analysing emotionally marked communication. As a result of the study, the researchers proved that gender characteristics and the national type of communication influence the following indicators: the intensity of the beginning of an emotionally marked phrase, the main stressed syllable, the end of the phrase, tonal range, register, the ratio between the levels of the beginning of the phrase, the first stressed syllable and the end of the phrase, the volume of the interval of the rising and lowering tone, intensity coefficient, the intensity of the nuclear and stressed syllables, the ratio of syllables in order, variance, standard deviation and average syllabic intensity.
Key words and phrases: просодический анализ, эмоционально-маркированная речь, эмоциональное состояние «гнев», этногруппы, экстралингвистические маркеры, prosodic analysis, emotionally marked speech, emotional state of anger, ethnic groups, extralinguistic markers
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