Semantic parameterization of vocabulary as a means of identifying verbalization of culture-significant semantic zones in Russian and German (by the example of the lexico-semantic field “Friendship”)
Epifanova Valentina Valerjevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 27.06.2023
Abstract. The paper demonstrates the results of analysing the Russian and German lexemes and phrases included in the semantic field “Friendship” from the standpoint of their semantic parameterization based on the apparatus of lexical functions-parameters (in the terminology of I. A. Melchuk and A. K. Zholkovsky). The aim of the research is to create an algorithm for semantic parameterization of Russian and German vocabulary compiling a list of the equivalent parameters forming the semantic field “Friendship” in the analyzed languages. The author consistently compares Russian and German lexemes and phrases, distributed over 37 semantic parameters, to establish the equivalence or divergence of the content communicated by them, draws conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research lies in demonstrating a model for matching words and their combinations within semantic fields based on semantic parameters combining lexical functions-parameters of several lexemes included in a particular semantic field. This approach makes it possible to identify the key semantic zones verbalized in each language, helps to penetrate deeper into the linguistic consciousness of the native speakers of a particular language, contributes to a more detailed study of the semantics of words, identifies the semantic zones that are “not expressed” in the languages in order to find (if necessary) ways to fill these gaps. As a result of the research, it is the first time that the lists containing the linguistic units that verbalize the semantic parameters of the “Friendship” field in Russian and German have been compiled, the main ways of their verbalization in each language and usage examples have been provided.
Key words and phrases: лексическая функция, семантическое поле, семантическая параметризация, лексика русского и немецкого языков, лексические функции-параметры, lexical function, semantic field, semantic parameterization, vocabulary of the Russian and German languages, lexical functions-parameters
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