Consubstantiality of English-Language Branding Terms
Zianko Maryna Iosifovna
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Submitted: 09.12.2022
Abstract. The study aims to identify the consubstantiality of English-language branding terms functionally limited by one sublanguage. The study is novel in that it is the first to identify a new type of consubstantiality of terms using representative corpus data, i.e. the consubstantiality functionally limited by one sublanguage; to describe the national specifics of branding terminology comprehension. As a result, consubstantial branding terms, which function both in the terminological meaning and in general and figurative meanings within one sublanguage, have been identified. It has been found that branding terminology is sufficiently uniform within the language for specific purposes. At the same time, the researcher notes the actualisation of certain features of the notions that are reflected both in their definitions presented in official documents of individual regions and in the contexts representing the sublanguage of a branding domain. The paper carries out a definitional and contextual analysis of branding terminology; compares general and special meanings of the target naming units; the meanings of the terms in the language for specific purposes and in the texts representing the sublanguage of a branding domain.
Key words and phrases: консубстанциональность терминов, терминология брендинга, язык для специальных целей, подъязык, consubstantiality of terms, branding terminology, language for specific purposes, sublanguage
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