Varzinova Valentina Vitalievna
Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Submitted: 19.12.2022
Abstract. The paper deals with the study of the functions performed by French weather maxims. As it is known, weather maxims, same as other microgenres of folklore, have a number of functions. The paper determines the dominant function of French weather maxims, i.e. the prognostic function, describes in detail the regulatory and evaluative functions, as well as their subvarieties: conditional-prognostic, variable-prognostic, regulatory-prognostic, regulatory-explanatory, conditional-regulatory. The author analyses the specifics of these functions using the material of the French language, shows the lexical and grammatical ways of communicating the functions of weather maxims. The paper also notes that the prognostic function has a direct form and an indirect one. The research aims to identify the functions of weather maxims in the French language. The main research hypothesis is that weather maxims as a minor folklore genre perform certain functions and have a number of specific features. The research is novel in that it is the first to present the specifics of the functions of French weather maxims. As a result, the author has demonstrated the functions of weather maxims and their features in the French language.
Key words and phrases: метеорологические приметы, прогностическая функция, регуляторная функция, оценочная функция, weather maxims, prognostic function, regulatory function, evaluation function
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