Compositional-Structural Features and Presentation of the Artistic World of a Novel in the German-Language Book Summary
Ivina Liudmila Valerievna, Chelikova Alexandra Vladislavovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 12.12.2022
Abstract. The paper discusses the structural features of the text of a book summary and the linguostylistic techniques employed to present the artistic world of a novel. Using the material of texts found on the websites of German bookstores, the study carries out a comprehensive analysis of the main compositional and linguistic characteristics of the book summary. Since the reader cannot have direct contact with a literary publication under the conditions of e-commerce, the role of textual information grows significantly, the requirements for the composition, semantic structure and language of the book summary increase. Scientific originality of the paper lies in identifying the structural element of the book summary that is uncharacteristic of Russian book publishing, namely the subheading, which makes the genre of the book summary similar to the advertising text. It is demonstrated how, employing a vast arsenal of linguistic means that serve to describe the setup, the space-time continuum of the book and the characters’ personalities, the text of the book summary introduces the peculiarities of the artistic world of a novel to the reader and motivates them to purchase the book. The aim of the study is to describe the current trends in the construction of the book summary texts. As a result of the study, it has been proved that both the representation function and the influence function are equally important in the text of a German-language book summary.
Key words and phrases: прикнижная аннотация, композиционно-смысловая структура, речевой жанр, пространственно-временной континуум, book summary, compositional-semantic structure, speech genre, space-time continuum
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