Comparative Analysis of Metaphorics for the Verbs “to dig” / «копать» as a Part of the Thematic Group “Processes of Agricultural Labour” (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages)
Potsybina Elena Pavlovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 07.06.2022
Abstract. The research aims to identify the types of regular metaphorical transfers carried out on the basis of the agricultural verbs “to dig” / «копать» in the languages under comparison, i.e. Russian and English; to highlight the general and specific in the metaphorics of the equivalent verbs “to dig” / «копать»; to determine the main semantic fields, which include the metaphorical meanings of the verbs to “dig” / «копать». The research is novel in that it is the first to use the material of the thematic group “Processes of Agricultural Labour” for a comparative study of the linguistic nature of the metaphor. As a result, the researcher has identified the characteristic features of metaphors formed from the verbs “to dig” / «копать» and the semantic fields in which the metaphorical meanings of these verbs are actively used in the English and Russian languages.
Key words and phrases: метод сопоставительного анализа, семантическое поле, метафорика глаголов, тематическая группа, comparative analysis method, semantic field, verb metaphorics, thematic group
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