Tactics of Changing the Compositional Structure of the Text When Translating Tourist Texts (by the Material of the Russian and Italian Languages)
Mamedov Said Zaurovich, Bolotin Yuri Evgenyevich
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas branch
Submitted: 09.07.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the relevance of using the tactics of changing the compositional structure of the text within the framework of the tertiary translation strategy when translating tourist texts. The paper deals with the examples of tourist texts translations and their analyses aimed at confirming the applicability of the above-mentioned tactics when translating tourist texts from Russian into Italian and from Italian into Russian. Scientific novelty lies in highlighting the tactics of changing the compositional structure of the text in tourist translation in order to confirm its applicability (using the material of the Russian and Italian languages). As a result, the applicability of the tactics of changing the compositional structure of the text within the framework of the tertiary translation strategy has been confirmed due to the discrepancy between the goals of compiling the original and the goals pursued by the recipient of the translation when translating tourist texts intended for foreign business partners.
Key words and phrases: перевод, тексты туристической направленности, стратегия терциарного перевода, тактика изменения композиционной структуры текста, translation, tourist texts, tertiary translation strategy, tactics of changing the compositional structure of the text
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