Lexeme “Hans im Glück” and Its Functions in Discourse
Blokhina Elena Nikolaevna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Submitted: 09.07.2022
Abstract. This paper presents a linguoculturological description of the phrase “Hans im Glück” / “Hans the Lucky One”. The formation of the phraseological unit recorded in lexicographic sources is traced, and a comparison of the proposed meanings with the actual contexts of use is given. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the approach to the phrase under study as an ambivalent phenomenon that performs the functions of both a phraseological unit and a precedent name. As a result of the research, the structure of the semantic meaning of this boundary phenomenon is proposed taking into account the identified contradictions.
Key words and phrases: лингвокультурологический словарь, немецкие народные сказки, антропонимы в составе фразеологизмов, полисемия фразеологизма, прецедентное имя, linguoculturological dictionary, German folk tales, anthroponyms as a part of phraseological units, polysemy of phraseological unit, precedent name
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