Fear Factor in Social and Commercial Advertising (by the Example of Signboard Texts in Perm)
Tikhomirova Larisa Sergeevna
Perm State National Research University
Submitted: 13.07.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to provide a psycho-linguistic description of the main nominative units of fear in the texts of social and commercial advertising of city signboards. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time a comprehensive description of the social and commercial advertising text of a signboard as a special speech genre is presented (by Perm regional factual material); on the basis of a multi-aspect analysis, speech tactics of the efficiency/inefficiency of advertising impact on a consumer are identified; a kind of assessment of the emotion of fear in advertising text by Perm citizens of different age categories is determined. The obtained results have shown that modern advertising text is characterized by the use of an extensive layer of the vocabulary based on the emotion of fear.
Key words and phrases: номинативная единица страха, текст социальной рекламы, текст коммерческой рекламы, когнитивная оценка эмоции страха, коммуникативная оценка эмоции страха, nominative unit of fear, social advertising text, commercial advertising text, cognitive assessment of fear emotion, communicative assessment of fear emotion
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