Communicative Aspect of Modified Proverbs Translation from German into Russian
Shitikova Anzhelika Vladimirovna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Submitted: 02.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to highlight the features of the communicative aspect of translating the German variant and transformed proverbs in the press. The article reveals the difficulties of translating modified proverbs. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of translating the modified forms of the German proverbs "Alte Liebe rostet nicht", "Viele K?che verderben den Brei", "Ohne Flei? kein Preis" for successful communication. As a result of the study, the difficulties of translating modified proverbs due to the lack of interlingual modified proverb equivalents have been identified, and the variants for the most adequate translation of modified proverbs have been proposed as a way to overcome these difficulties.
Key words and phrases: пословицы, модифицированные пословицы, перевод, лингвистический аспект, коммуникация, proverbs, modified proverbs, translation, linguistic aspect, communication
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