Symbolism vs Expressionism (by the Example of D. B. Khetagurov’s Poem "Арв?нг?с" ("Skylike"))
Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 31.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the work is to determine the ways of representing the aesthetics of symbolism and expressionism within the framework of one poetic text by D. B. Khetagurov. The scientific novelty lies in an in-depth analysis of interliterary ties in the Ossetian lyrics of the early XX century, for the first time in the history of the Ossetian literary criticism, the influence of expressionism ideas on D. B. Khetagurov’s creative work is traced and the specifics of the modernist worldview manifestation on ethnic grounds are determined. As a result of the study, the main idea of the tragic split between eternal nature and a mortal man has been revealed, where symbolism is presented in the figurative embodiment of the water element and expressionism - in a lyrical hero’s inner world.
Key words and phrases: символизм, экспрессионизм, пейзажная лирика, лирический герой, Д. Б. Хетагуров, symbolism, expressionism, landscape lyrics, lyrical hero, D. B. Khetagurov
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