Features of Terminological Abbreviation in English Scientific and Technical Text
Shaglanova Elena Andreevna, Badmaeva Elena Sodnomovna, Chepak Olga Aleksandrovna
Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov
Submitted: 15.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the undertaken study is to determine the word-formation features of abbreviations and acronyms in the scientific functional style by the example of abbreviations in scientific and technical texts in English. The article discusses the features of the scientific and technical text, special vocabulary and terminological abbreviation, provides structural and semantic models of word formation through acronyms. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the features of acronyms formation in the English scientific and technical text, as well as some productive structural and semantic models based on the analysis of acronyms from English-language computer assistance sites and the free multilingual online dictionary Woxikon, which provide a database of computer abbreviations. As a result, it has been revealed that acronyms, being phonetically convenient in pronunciation compared to abbreviations, are formed according to already established structural and semantic models, which facilitates their understanding and translation.
Key words and phrases: научно-технический текст, английская терминологическая аббревиация, акронимы в английском языке, сжатие текста, scientific and technical text, English terminological abbreviation, acronyms in English language, text compression
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