Ambivalent Evaluativity of Russian Vocabulary: The Lexeme "интеллигент" against the Background of the Chinese Language
Yang Haiyan, Vasilieva Galina Mikhailovna
Zaozhuang University
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 03.05.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the foundation of ambivalent evaluativity of the lexeme "интеллигент" ("a member of Russian intelligentsia") in the Russian language against the background of the Chinese language. A targeted analysis of various approaches to lexicographic interpretation of the evaluative content of the specified lexeme in dictionaries of various types made it possible to identify stable fixation of evaluative ambivalence of the lexeme in the Russian lexicographic tradition. The involvement of findings of free-association experiments in the analysis and their comparison with the Chinese language account for scientific novelty of the study. The results of the study allowed the researchers to draw conclusions about the asymmetry of the semantic volume, associative potential and evaluative content of the corresponding lexemes in the Russian and Chinese languages, which can be attributed to the national distinctness of the corresponding linguocultural types.
Key words and phrases: языковая оценочность, лингвокультурный типаж "русский интеллигент", номинанты лингвокультурного типажа, linguistic evaluativity, linguocultural type "a member of Russian intelligentsia", naming units of a linguocultural type
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