Translations of "The Panther" by R. M. Rilke in the Genre Aspect
Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich
North-Eastern State University
Submitted: 01.04.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to identify the most characteristic difficulties in Russian translations of R. M. Rilke’s famous poem "The Panther", taking into account its genre specificity. The paper is novel in that it is the first to analyse translations of "The Panther" specifically in the genre aspect, since the genre, according to the author of the paper, is the dominant factor for the successful translation of the German original into Russian. The research findings indicate that an adequate rendering of the Austrian poet’s work in Russian is hindered by the absence of certain means in Russian language and poetic usage equivalent to the original (for example, a number of abstract nouns in the figurative function) and the fact that translators do not always successfully replace these means, which affects the integrity of the genre image of the text, although it does not destroy the genre of "The Panther" completely.
Key words and phrases: Р. М. Рильке, объективизм, дескриптивность, жанровый аспект перевода, Dinggedicht, R. M. Rilke, objectivism, descriptivity, genre aspect of translation
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