Problem of Determining Borrowed Reflexive Words Sources by the Material of the Turkish and Adyghe Languages
Dzhankylych Adnyan
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov
Submitted: 04.04.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to study the reflexive words that entered the vocabulary of Persia and Egypt peoples from the Adyghe languages during the war between the Adyghes and the Ottoman Empire (1864). These are terms that were borrowed by other languages and returned to the active vocabulary of the Adyghe languages with phonetic and semantic changes. The scientific novelty of the research is in the fact that for the first time, given the variety of approaches to the study of this issue by the material of the Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Adyghe languages, the author determines the sources of several borrowings, in some respects different from linguists’ opinion. The results obtained have shown that a lot of words that were considered as borrowings from the Turkish language are in fact native Adyghe ones.
Key words and phrases: адыгские языки, язык диаспор, заимствования, турецкие языки, возвратные слова, Adyghe languages, language of diasporas, borrowings, Turkish languages, reflexive words
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