Particularities of Synonymy of Terms in Translated Grammars of the XVIII Century in Germany and Russia
Gumbatova Fidan Ekhtibarovna
Saint Petersburg State University
Submitted: 02.04.2022
Abstract. The work aims to study synonymy of terms and the particularities of its manifestation in translated grammars of the XVIII century in Germany and Russia. The paper is novel in that it is the first to attempt to identify synonymous terms, describe their linguistic features on the basis of translated grammars of the XVIII century. Scientific novelty also lies in identifying specificity in the use of synonymous terms in translated grammars of the XVIII century in Germany and Russia. As a result, it has been found that in the translated texts, M. V. Lomonosov and I. M. Gretsch, as a rule, adhere to the traditions of German linguists, using several multilingual synonymous terms in an effort to convey the meaning of a linguistic term as accurately as possible.
Key words and phrases: термин, термин-синоним, переводные грамматики XVIII века, М. В. Ломоносов, И. К. Готшед, term, synonymous term, translated grammars of the XVIII century, M. V. Lomonosov, J. Ch. Gottsched
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