Multicomponent English Terms in the Sphere of Bioethics and Law of the Term System "Bioethics of Reproductive Technologies"
Yakovleva Elena Vladimirovna
Perm State National Research University
Submitted: 30.03.2022
Abstract. This article for the first time considers the terminology of the bioethics of reproductive technologies (BRT) in English. The aim of the study is to identify the features of multicomponent terminological combinations of one of the thematic subgroups of the BRT terminological system, namely the subgroup "Bioethics and Law". The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time multicomponent terminological units of the discourse of law and bioethics of reproductive technologies, which are not recorded in special dictionaries, are analysed. The obtained results have determined the main structural models of multicomponent terms in the sphere of bioethics and law; revealed the specific features of multicomponent terms in the analysed terminology.
Key words and phrases: терминология биоэтики репродуктивных технологий, двухкомпонентные модели, многокомпонентные термины, terminology of bioethics of reproductive technologies, two-component models, multicomponent terms
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