Linguistic Signs of Gender Neutrality in the English and Russian Languages (by the Example of the Internet Publications)
Bozhenko Yulia Sergeevna, Em Lyudmila Sergeevna, Kalinovskaya Elena Alexandrovna
North-Caucasus Federal University
Submitted: 04.04.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the linguistic signs of gender neutrality in the English and Russian languages. The examined languages reflect socio-political events and global trends, one of which is the desire for tolerance that makes it necessary to apply the policy of gender neutrality. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the features of the linguistic representation of gender neutrality at the present stage of language development by studying the materials of the Internet publications. As a result of the study, the potential ways of solving the problem of linguistic sexism have been characterized; the linguistic means of gender neutrality manifestation in English and Russian have been identified.
Key words and phrases: гендер, лингвистический сексизм, гендерная корректность, феминизация, гендерная нейтральность, gender, linguistic sexism, gender correctness, feminization, gender neutrality
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