Collective Memory in the Context of Autobiographical Works (by the Material of German-Language Autobiographies)
Molchanova Anna Sergeevna
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Submitted: 31.03.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to describe the specifics of representing the mechanisms of collective memory functioning and its interaction with individual memory on the basis of the German-speaking authors’ works. The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive analysis of the features of interconditionality and interdependence of these types of memory. The result of the study is a definition of stages and options for the interaction of personal and collective types of memory. The material of autobiographical works traces the process of deformation, a qualitative change in personal knowledge about the past under the influence of collective memory, collective thoughts and judgments. Special attention is paid to the ability of individual memory to influence the formation of ideas, knowledge of super-individual, social nature.
Key words and phrases: автобиографическое произведение, немецкоязычная литература XIX-XX вв, автобиографический повествователь, коллективная память, автобиографическая память, autobiographical work, German-language literature of the XIX-XX centuries, autobiographical narrator, collective memory, autobiographical memory
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