Types of Logical Relations within the Translation Technique of Modulation (by the Material of English into Russian Translations)
Belonozhko Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Korolevskaya Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Moscow City University
Submitted: 13.02.2022
Abstract. The research aims to systematise and develop a classification of possible types of logical relations found in the lexical-semantic transformation of modulation (semantic development). Translations of films from English into Russian on the website ORORO.TV were used as research material. Scientific novelty lies in bringing together individual observations of translation theorists on the realisation of a variety of possible logical relations within the translation technique under consideration. As a result of conducting a detailed study of the literature on the issue, as well as analysing practical material, the researchers have systematised the main types of logical relations and have elaborated their hierarchy, starting with relations depending on the nature of the interaction between correlated concepts in the original and its translation (the relation of intersection) to models generated by the interaction of the categories of a process, an object and a feature. The most frequent structural models have been noted, atypical examples of logical relations demonstrating several logical transitions have been analysed.
Key words and phrases: модуляция / смысловое развитие, трансформация, логические отношения / структурная модель, modulation / semantic development, transformation, logical relations / structural model
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