Pragmatics of Text Transformations in the Examination Discourse
Sungatullina Dilyana Damirovna, Gorelova Yuliya Nickolaevna, Latypov Niyaz Rastamovich
Каzan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 15.02.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the subject-based content and lexical composition of texts included in the examination discourse for the Unified State Examination in the Russian Language. Scientific novelty lies in identifying the types of text transformations in the examination discourse in the setting where the original text contradicts the level of cognitive and linguistic maturity of the test taker. As a result of an intralingual comparison of texts at the level of text and vocabulary, it has been found that examination texts in Russian contain information mainly about moral values and human relationships, featuring anthropocentricity, while taboo vocabulary is compressed or replaced.
Key words and phrases: текстовые трансформации, экзаменационный дискурс, вторичный экзаменационный текст, табуированные темы, тематическое содержание, text transformations, examination discourse, secondary examination text, taboo topics, subject-based content
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