Influence of an Attitude on the Perception of the Meaning of an English-Language Text during Its Ordinary Reading and Translation into Russian
Algina Olga Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg State University
Submitted: 24.01.2022
Abstract. The aim of the paper is to identify the difference in the understanding of the meaning-related and evaluative components of an English-language publicistic text between translators and ordinary readers by conducting an experiment. The research is novel in that it is the first to study how the meaning of a foreign text is perceived by non-native speakers, using the counter text method and involving the whole text; to study and compare the depth of perception of the text by translators / ordinary readers who have or do not have attitudes. The research findings have shown that translators, who have read and translated the text, mentally process the text more deeply at the level of meaning and evaluation, while in the case of ordinary reading, which does not involve any subsequent work with the text, the meaning of the text is mainly reduced to its content.
Key words and phrases: метод встречного текста, смысл текста, содержание, перевод, восприятие, counter text method, meaning of the text, content, translation, perception
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