Study of Variability of Phraseological Units of Biblical Origin (by the Material of English and German Corpus Data)
Bakina Anna Dmitrievna
Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev; Northern Arctic Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Submitted: 19.10.2022
Abstract. The article studies the biblical phraseology of the English and German languages in terms of its variability; in particular, the structural and semantic features of English and German biblical phraseological units are revealed taking into account the use of the search corpus method and on the basis of corpus data; the usual and occasional types of the variants of phraseological units of biblical origin are identified; the examples from text corpora illustrating the general use of the studied phraseological units in different types of discourse and text genres are analysed. The aim of the study is to identify the most frequent and commonly used variants of biblical phraseological units by native speakers with attention to the types of va¬riants based on the use of the search corpus method in the field of phraseology and the use of corpus data. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification and description of the variants of biblical phraseological units that function in fiction and media discourse, as well as their prevalence in different text genres on the basis of using the search corpus method and corpus data, which greatly facilitate and optimize research processes, as well as increase objectivity and reliability of the results obtained in a short time.As a result, based on the corpus data, the most frequent biblical phraseological units in English and German have been identified, the variants of biblical phraseological units have been distributed according to their prevalence including by the types of discourse, and the frequency structural types of biblical phra-seological units as well as their modified variants have been identified.
Key words and phrases: библейская фразеология, структурные варианты, узуальные и окказиональные варианты, специфика функционирования, лингвистический корпус, biblical phraseology, structural variants, usual and occasional variants, specifics of functioning, linguistic corpus
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