The Image of Man in the Lower Kolyma Old-Timers’ Sub-Dialects of Yakutia
Kochmar Olesya Nikolaevna, Egorova Tuyara Nikolaevna
North-Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 17.11.2022
Abstract. Lower Kolyma sub-dialects are a monument of Russian old-timers’ culture, which is a result of interethnic and cultural contacts of the newcomers and the local population, as well as the influence of natural conditions. The processes of globalisation, integration and industrial development of the Arctic accelerate the assimilation of Russian Lower Kolyma old-timers, which actualises the issue of preserving their ethnocultural identity. The study aims to describe the structure and composition of the lexico-semantic group “Man” in the old-timers’ sub-dialects of Yakutia. The study is novel in that it is the first to present the image of man in the dialectal linguistic worldview of Lower Kolyma old-timers. Man is considered as a biological, spiritual and social being with a certain set of characteristics. As a result, it has been found that the structure of the lexico-semantic group includes physical, personal and social characteristics of man. Intra-group systemic relations are defined by the presence of various paradigmatic relations, such as word-formation synonyms, inflectional variants, phonemic doublets, antonymic and synonymic pairs, hypo-hyponymic and hyper-hyponymic relations, derivational series. The main body of the vocabulary has an all-Russian origin. Individual culture-specific words reflecting local specifics are recorded.
Key words and phrases: нижнеколымские старожильческие говоры, лексико-семантическая группа «Человек», системные отношения, парадигматические связи, Арктика, Lower Kolyma old-timers’ sub-dialects, lexico-semantic group “Man”, systemic relations, paradigmatic relations, the Arctic
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