Choosing the Meaning of the Animacy Category for the Collocation «юридическое лицо» in Business Media Discourse
Butorina Elena Petrovna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Submitted: 08.11.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine the relationship between the meaning of the animacy category of the collocation «юридическое лицо» (“juridical person”) and the types of actual knowledge in business media discourse. Scientific novelty of the work lies in studying the relationship between the meaning of animacy as a grammatical category manifested in inflection and syntactic agreement and cognitive categories, namely, types of knowledge that are actualised in a particular context. The meaning of the animacy category is independently determined by the speaker for the non-prototypical cases of a native speaker’s idea of animate or inanimate objects and, therefore, does not always rely on obvious criteria. The relationship between the meaning of animacy chosen by the speaker in the usage and code knowledge or specific knowledge is considered. At the same time, code knowledge is understood as the knowledge about the meaning of a word, specific knowledge is understood as the knowledge about the truth of a certain proposition and the rules for filling in its terms. As a result, the relationship between the meaning of the animacy category of the collocation «юридическое лицо» and the types of knowledge has been determined: inanimacy indicators are found in the contexts that realise code knowledge, animacy indicators are peculiar to the cases of specific knowledge actualisation. Cases of variation have also been noted.
Key words and phrases: категория одушевлённости, деловой медиадискурс, кодовое знание, специфичное знание, русский язык, animacy category, business media discourse, code knowledge, specific knowledge, Russian language
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