Functioning of the Song about the Motherland “Transvaal” in Children’s Literature of the Soviet Period (1927-1987)
Krayushkina Tatiana Vladimirovna
Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS
Submitted: 10.10.2022
Abstract. The research aims to identify the specifics of the functioning of the song “Transvaal” in children’s literature of the Soviet period. The research is novel in that it is the first to consider the functioning of “Transvaal”, using the material of children’s prose, and its interaction with other intertextual components. The paper studies the features of the inclusion of “Transvaal” in the text, examines the influence of the song on the formation of the system of motifs and images and the plot, sheds light on the interaction of “Transvaal” with other intertextual components. The allusion “Transvaal” is presented in L. I. Dobychin’s short story “Leshka” realised in an instrumental performance, while paraphrasing functions in L. A. Kassil’s short story “Transbalt”; the song is connected with the emotional state of the characters in both works. As for N. V. Verzakov’s novella “Hot bullet, fly”, “Transvaal” serves to create the character’s image and is an element of the cultural field. As a result, the researcher has determined the influence of the system of motifs and images and the plot of the song on the formation of the said system and the plot in the analysed prose, the creation of a special emotional plan. It has been proved that “Transvaal” is actively used by the writers in depiction of authentic contexts - historical, cultural, social.
Key words and phrases: песня «Трансвааль», интертекстуальность, фольклоризм, русская проза советского периода, детская литература, song “Transvaal”, intertextuality, folklorism, Russian prose of the Soviet period, children’s literature
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