Patient Nominations in Veterinary Discourse: Linguistic Reflection and Tendencies
Abrosimova Ekaterina Alexeevna
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin
Submitted: 05.08.2022
Abstract. The aim of the article is to systematize the names of the patient in veterinary discourse. The use of the word “patient” in relation to an animal is considered. The nominations of animal-patients recorded in the names of modern veterinary profiles, specialties and training courses are analysed. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the appeal to the concept of the veterinary discourse object, which is practically not studied in linguistics, and is represented in the changing nominations of animals being treated. The obtained results demonstrate the presence of reflection markers that emphasize the unusual use of the lexeme “patient” in relation to an animal, allow us to identify tendencies, on the one hand, towards generalization, and on the other hand, towards systematization of animal patients on various grounds.
Key words and phrases: ветеринарный дискурс, институциональный дискурс, лексема «пациент», номинация, рефлексия, veterinary discourse, institutional discourse, lexeme “patient”, nomination, reflection
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