Structural Classification of Parallel Fragments of Du Fu’s Poem “Lament on the Defeat at Chen Tao”
Skvortsov Arseny Vladimirovich
Moscow City University
Submitted: 02.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to provide a structural classification of parallel fragments of Du Fu’s poem “Lament on the Defeat at Chen Tao”. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a parallelism analysis of this poem based on an immediate constituents analysis of its lines has not been carried out before. As a result of the study, it has been shown that the work under consideration contains parallel fragments characterised by vertical and horizontal symmetry. These types of symmetry complement each other without any predominance of one over the other. Two fragments parallel in the horizontal direction have global symmetry, whereas all fragments characterised by vertical symmetry are local, being on one side of the caesura. Parallel fragments make up 69.6% of the total number of characters in the poem. As for figurative and expressive means, parallelism dominates, being complemented by four epithets.
Key words and phrases: танская поэзия, параллелизм, анализ по непосредственным составляющим, классификация словосочетаний классического китайского языка, Tang poetry, parallelism, immediate constituents analysis, classification of classical Chinese phrases
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